Mobility Matters
A podcast focused on topics related to the field of transportation, sustainability, and economic development in New Jersey. Each show focuses on issues that are instrumental to mobility not only in Middlesex County but across New Jersey. Leading experts will join us sharing their insight and expertise on various topics including electric vehicles and their role in mobility, climate change, and its impact on our economy, bike and pedestrian safety, and its impact on infrastructure, placing making and its impact on our community and much much more.
Mobility Matters
Episode 10 - Thank you for listening to Season One! Take the Survey!
As we close out Season One of Mobility Matters, please take a moment to give us your feedback. What you liked and didn't like, suggestions for upcoming topics - we want to hear from you.
Thank you and see you in September!
Keep Middlesex Moving is Middlesex County, NJ's non-profit 501(c)(3) transportation management association (TMA). To learn more about us visit www.kmm.org. You can also follow us on our social media platforms:
Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, X, YouTube, and BlueSky.
Mobility Matters Podcast is created and produced by Keep Middlesex Moving, Inc.
Editing, sound mixing, and co-produced by Bert Baron.